Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Snowing while driving to the capital

Yellow light shines our path, Pilgrims in the dark night. Beacons of red, some big and small; The vanguard  of cars leading the way. Clouds, stars and the moon, There are none left. All that is, is a flurry of snow, Traveling against us. To my left, I see a reflection of my situation. It's not that bad over there as it is here. At first it was a never ending rain, The temperature drops a single degree, The road becomes ice, the sky is now snow. If the rain was a small bullet,  Then this snow is more like a giant Flower petal.  I have to admit its beautiful, It wraps us in darkness, So that it may shine in our yellow light. Actually it's freakin scary, It brings about icy roads.

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