Monday, December 26, 2011

My 2011

About a year ago,
there was... a problem.
A door opened, and it was horrifying.
It brought tears upon a pair of pretty eyes.

Those eyes, belonged to someone I never knew.
While that door opened up horrors of greif,
Like Pandora's box did upon the world.
This didn't leave out hope.

Though unlikely, I grabbed that hope.
Out of all contenders, I reached it.
That door, it opened something,
That wasn't possible before.
It opened up a path between us,
Something that was wanted, but

My life, it was simple, boring I guess,
But at that moment, it changed.
Life at home went on,
With complete disregard of what happens,
School continued.

Admittedly, I wanted to jump in,
Get involved, find out about you.
All I got were tears, my goals dashed,
I changed them for you.
I thought I was doing you a favor,
I stayed up late, tracked your feelings,
Talked to you, kept you away from bad thoughts.

Eventually, it turned evil, I started to become annoyed.
I eventually abandoned you, deliberately,
Video games over your feelings.
At this time, no one was closer then I,
At least that is what They say.
They, too "relied" on me,
I told them, no,
I told you no.

It became worse,
I jumped back into the fray,
With regret, for I already threw away hope.
It came down to tears of my own.
Forceful intervention became tactful,
Holding a phone...
The act of holding that phone broke me,
I still remember those moments, that no one will truly ever know.

So traumatizing, someone else had to assist.
At that moment, I was the one that was lost,
Lost with glee, that finally it was the beginning of end.
I stopped caring for you, honestly, I was glad it was over.
However, I couldn't stop, I became a friend.

More importantly I gained a friend that year,
Everything that happens afterwards,
Won't be anything in comparison.
Me and you fought a dragon together,
Though I didn't slay it, it was worth the fight.

My year had more then this?
You bet, but I chose this for a reason.
That was my year.

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