Thursday, December 29, 2011

To my nephew, Jayden

Fresh pair of eyes,
Opens for the first time.
Obliviouse to his surroundings;
To all of the bad and the good of this world.

His mind, new, and fresh.
Like a warm and cool breeze of summers...
Fresh smelling air.

With your clean slate,
I'll do my best my nephew,
I hope my cousins do their best too.
To write only the best that we can offer.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Snowing while driving to the capital

Yellow light shines our path, Pilgrims in the dark night. Beacons of red, some big and small; The vanguard  of cars leading the way. Clouds, stars and the moon, There are none left. All that is, is a flurry of snow, Traveling against us. To my left, I see a reflection of my situation. It's not that bad over there as it is here. At first it was a never ending rain, The temperature drops a single degree, The road becomes ice, the sky is now snow. If the rain was a small bullet,  Then this snow is more like a giant Flower petal.  I have to admit its beautiful, It wraps us in darkness, So that it may shine in our yellow light. Actually it's freakin scary, It brings about icy roads.

Monday, December 26, 2011

My 2011

About a year ago,
there was... a problem.
A door opened, and it was horrifying.
It brought tears upon a pair of pretty eyes.

Those eyes, belonged to someone I never knew.
While that door opened up horrors of greif,
Like Pandora's box did upon the world.
This didn't leave out hope.

Though unlikely, I grabbed that hope.
Out of all contenders, I reached it.
That door, it opened something,
That wasn't possible before.
It opened up a path between us,
Something that was wanted, but

My life, it was simple, boring I guess,
But at that moment, it changed.
Life at home went on,
With complete disregard of what happens,
School continued.

Admittedly, I wanted to jump in,
Get involved, find out about you.
All I got were tears, my goals dashed,
I changed them for you.
I thought I was doing you a favor,
I stayed up late, tracked your feelings,
Talked to you, kept you away from bad thoughts.

Eventually, it turned evil, I started to become annoyed.
I eventually abandoned you, deliberately,
Video games over your feelings.
At this time, no one was closer then I,
At least that is what They say.
They, too "relied" on me,
I told them, no,
I told you no.

It became worse,
I jumped back into the fray,
With regret, for I already threw away hope.
It came down to tears of my own.
Forceful intervention became tactful,
Holding a phone...
The act of holding that phone broke me,
I still remember those moments, that no one will truly ever know.

So traumatizing, someone else had to assist.
At that moment, I was the one that was lost,
Lost with glee, that finally it was the beginning of end.
I stopped caring for you, honestly, I was glad it was over.
However, I couldn't stop, I became a friend.

More importantly I gained a friend that year,
Everything that happens afterwards,
Won't be anything in comparison.
Me and you fought a dragon together,
Though I didn't slay it, it was worth the fight.

My year had more then this?
You bet, but I chose this for a reason.
That was my year.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Things can get better,
But it won't be the same.

Who says change is bad,
It may be different;
Who knows what will come,
Of its fruition?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Now I know,
Now I know what it feels like to have
Your one heart, torn and ripped out of your chest.

Can you get it back? I don't know,
You tell me, I feel it's irreversible,
Maybe someone else knows.


The words I say,
Are the root of my problems.

Can words really help,
When words are the problem?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Untitled (cant think of one)

Is it wrong, to show love...
To someone you will never be with?
Even if your heart yearns for them,
You know the answer to your request.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


It's over, glorious sun rises from the east.
Emerging with grand power and colour, triumphant over night
It sets to the west, dying and struggling beautifully, like a flower in its last moments.

The ominous moon appears in the sky, its white light shining,
onto the black earth below, giving a hint of things to come.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Die Trying

It was hot and tireless within the cities wall that day, especially at the market square. Which finds no sleep of its own, on any good day worth noting. Vendors, with endless stamina quickly stammer out as much as they can say, in an everlasting game of attracting customers to their stalls.

Their stalls, ranging from a variety of foods and spices from far away lands to the east, clothing hand made in our own customs, not to mention the fabulous dresses from the west clutter the sides of streets. Services such as apothecaries, doctors, magic and anything you can imagine were available to all, as long as a price was paid of course.

As long as their services were needed, or the products of the merchants in demand. Money was always in demand above all else, and with that came panhandlers and beggars alike who had no trades or goods to sell. No way producing a living, meant that they could lead no lives of their own, most resorting to stealing and crime as their new task and creed.

I had my own task to do that day however, providing escort to the beautiful Lady Sara of the Province Linria.
Sara, the most beautiful woman I have ever come to know. Deep down from the earliest memories of my life, began from pretending to train with the soldiers at the barracks. While I played, she was there watching me, and I watched her as we grew together. Growing from a girl to a woman, like an ugly duckling becoming a swan, I could not dream of better honour and duty but to escort her secretly through enemy territory, to our allies across the border. Disguised as commoners, the enemy will never expect her highness to be in another kingdom.

Quickly, I catch the hint from the other 4 warriors on the same mission that something is amiss. The gestures and hand movements each of them are displaying tell me; the sky started swirling as I felt my body hit the hard stony ground... I grasp my head and roll over onto my back. My ears give a mysterious distant mute ringing, which quickly comes to me as a multitude of clear voices. Suddenly coming to life, like the enemy behind the cover of fog. I can make out in my blurred vision that many people were running in a panic, with several figures wrapped about in mortal combat. So beautiful, as each is a dancer with a weapon in hand. Parrying, striking, counter attacking, dodging, and strafing with beautiful and precise movements, leading to the conclusion of the deadly dance of swords when one of the lovers, falls to the loving embrace of the other, resisting to the very end.

That's when I heard the scream of my beloved Sara, in a blue dress I see her being swept away by two armed men. Despite my physical injury and lameness in balance, I quickly step up my pace in an effort to catch up to Sara. Running as fast as a loyal horse would into a sea of pikes, just because the master which sits on top, yearns it to, putting my safety aside I drew my sword.


I couldn't break free of their hold upon my arms, nor could my feet get the proper angle for a good kick. It was hopeless to struggle, until I heard a warlike yell, so clear among the sounds of many people in panic. Fear compounded my heart until I heard the disturbing bone crushing and blood curdling action of a sharpened Linrian sword biting into the flesh of one of the captors, producing an equally disturbing scream.

I was quickly tossed to the ground, as my other captor drew his sword and prepared for combat. It was my dear friend Lanius here to save me, he swung his sword high above aimed towards my captors skull, though it was quickly blocked by his blade. After blocking, my captor gave a kick to Lanius's right thigh, causing him to yelp in pain and dropping his sword. This is when my captor swung his blade straight and true for poor Lanius's good heart, however it was dodged as he dropped towards the ground and rolled away from the strike.

Lanius then sprung up, despite his injury, and drawing his hidden knife, came running and leaped onto my captor. Forcing them both onto the ground with a knife into the breast of my enemy. The captor, stronger then Lanius, threw him of f his body and jerked the knife out of his body and stood captivated. Staring at the knife as if he had never seen a wound before, staring at the blood red blade which reflected the brutally hot sun.


This is my chance, his body is within shock. My body crashing onto his body full force onto the ground, probably knocked his head a bit in addition with a blade in his chest has taking him to his limit. Quickly I picked up my sword and finished him, easy, before he even knew he was standing and holding a knife, doing nothing.

With the enemy dead, relief sets in, including a rush of pain. Finally taking notice to the pains I have suffered, I see Sara on the ground frightened and shocked at what she just saw. Innocence now stained with blood of her enemies. Almost expectantly, more enemies appeared and quickly made way towards Sara, fear of my love kicks in and I start running towards her like a race I know I will never win.


Lanius runs towards me in blind love while an arrow pierces his side leaving me screaming, "No! Lanius no!" His pace slows, and his body lowers as he never stops looking into my eyes. Another arrow, this time pierces one of his calves.

Two arrows... not enough to kill me yet. I struggle to stand, yet I shuffle forwards never leaving my eyes off  her defenseless body. A third arrow, this time I get on my knees. I lose strength and end up on the ground. I see her crawl towards me... my love, I cannot bear not to see! Savoring every moment, I make an effort to crawl on all fours towards her hands... almost there. I can see the grief in her eyes as my hand reaches her finger tips, and then I see her face, frozen in time as my body grows numb and is lost to impenetrable darkness.

Monday, December 19, 2011

I must be one depressed person

Look at all of my stuff, none of the stuff is happy. Why am I always depressed...

This Feeling I hate

It feels like... your empty...
I am hollow.
My eyes... feel like,
My skin, grows cold,
fingers frozen.

It's a feeling that is thrust upon,
No one can ask for it...
The sun stops shining,
Clouds form, wind and rain pick up.
Temperature falls, the whole world closes in

My mind, is empty,
Except for one thought.
The thought of losing you.

Desperation kicks in,
I scream for anything to make it stop!
I can't do nothing, but watch.
Cold chains wrapping around,
Rusty shackles, around your hands.
I try and fight, but you can't...

This is my moment,
When I can feel like doing anything,
But watch.
Yet all I can do, is watch,
Watch her go, away forever...
I watched her grow,
I watched her play,
Laugh and sing,
Now I am being torn, torn in two.
My hearts in pieces, no one can fix it...
I hate this feeling, why won't it stop...
Why won't it stop.

Once a night

Once a night I'll go,
To my view of the world.
I'll kneel, clasp my hands and pray...
Sometimes, I would peek to look outside.
I suddenly find myself basked in heaven's light.

I quickly shut my eyes, and pretend to look away,
Speaking my thoughts in my head, telling them what I say.
I may be Agnostic, and have no faith... that doesn't mean I can't pray.

When I get off from work, and I drive the long way home,
I reach my house, get out of my car and stare...
The wind is dead, the animals asleep...
The air is fresh, and smells way too clean.
Whoever knew the night can be so bright...
When you find yourself basked in heavens... light.

I gently close my eyes, take that one deep breath,
Then I imagine and speak what's in my head.
I don't know anyone will find me, but I share my prayer,
With the stars in the skies, especially the bright one to the East.
Facing where I know the sun will rise...

I clasp my hands to touch my cheek,
Cause I know an angel was with me.
I cannot vow to know, that I was sure.
Perhaps they heard my prayer, perhaps they heard my need!
However that I will never know,
Perhaps someone may see my sadness in Heaven's... glow.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The slaves dream

People in the sidewalk,
Strolling 'bout their lives

Buses, cars and bicycles among them
The air taste good, and the smell is fantastically divine

What would I give to be free like them,
Too go about day to day, without a care in their lives
One can only dream to be them...
To be among them

Away, from these chains!
I shall break free, and gallop away
Leaving no mark behind me,
Away from my master and fate

The sun will rise and hush away the night,
The animals awake from their slumber and celebrate my path,
The grass is strong, and will none of my prints behind,
Trees will show indication that they won't know me

Everything good and divine,
will guide my way past these wretched times
And lead me to greater glory,
With them, walking along the street,
Dancing with them, without chains around my feet!
Oh what will I give...
What will I do...

No regret,
No dissent,
None of that,
All of this,
My hearts voice, speaks out loud
What I'll give,
To be with them!

One Grand Day

I resist,
Held back in chains,
Sometimes I scream for my salvation!

However, my thoughts reside
Following the social code,
Moral binding, law abiding

One day, I will break free
One day, I will scream to the world
Out there, in the world of dreams
I will be flying, soaring higher then before
To express my love, for you outright

One grand day, a glorious day
I will break free!

Lovers hold each other, hand by hand
Sitting on the grass, watching the song birds fly
Going to the carnival, and having a swing of a time
I will give almost anything, for that one day!

One grand day,
One great day,
Glorious day!
Beautiful day!
I will be free, from these chains
I won't care, I will give anything,
For the day to be with...

It was you

A dirty bus stop,
At dusk, with the sun falling
It's light, a mere glow failing
Darkness begins, the wind bites my skin
Warmth leaves my body

Bus's stop and go,
Cars drive by,
People all block my view in the dark,
But I can see, that glow
That beautiful glow

I don't know what that glow is,
It shines in my eyes,
Pushing back dark,
Fighting wind,
Gives me warmth,
I can see past the bus's, cars and people
That beautiful glow,
Was you

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Winter Forest

The sky is blank
Bloom of light, not bright but hurts my eyes
It is grey, but light is white
Snow, sparsely covers the frozen ground
Creeks flow, birds fly, and squirrels still scurry
On the forest floor and sky
My forest, is experiencing winter
It looks splendid from my window,
White tipped branches,
Fallen trees, providing a cascade of beauty
Some say, it looks bare and empty
But I know this is,
a forest I know is free

Friday, December 16, 2011

What is this

Happy, sad, happy, sad, happy,
What am I?
Mood swings galore
Have I contracted a disease?

How did others cope?
They didn't, then
Why am I still standing?

Will I break?
A single grain of rice
Can tip the scale...
So when will it tip,
Only time can tell...

I've seen it's effects,
I struggle to fight it,
Loneliness gropes my
Frail mind

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A scar I took

Baby killer!
Why were even born?
You don't deserve to live you monster!
Wow you fag!
Fuck you, god hates you, you know that?
God hates you!

Skies, covered in blackness,
The sun behind it
Air full of smoke, it chokes you
Constricts your lungs
The smell, you can never forget the smell
What you see, photos can never tell you,
Pictures stilled, in my mind

Its kill or be kill they say,
You don't know what its like
Have boys screaming for their mothers,
Girls, mutilated and tortured
The elderly killed
All forced to watch, all forced to kill
The enemy screams for your life!

They try and grasp it, but you keep swinging
Your knife, your friend
Legs, what legs? Screams, yes there were screams
He just wanted to go home, enjoying life
Driving, swimming, eating ice cream
Instead he is there, dead
Lying in the mud, half-buried
His face, face down in a pool of his own...

Over there, I was a warrior
Over there, I was be a leader
Over there, I operated million dollar equipment
Over there, I was something
Be something

I did all of these things, so I can protect you
You may live, while I died

I didn't do anything wrong

Civil Desruption

The air, is stagnant, but wait you smell something. You smell, strife, fear, hatred, and that's it nothing else. A civil war is forming between the voices of the student body and the administration, just recently reaching the boiling point. A single grain, can tip the scales, bringing chaos upon the student voice.

Censorship, destroying the foundations of practicing the freedom of speech that is practiced by many outside of school, especially through media such as blogs, facebook and etc. When students need to voice their opinions, we do not stand on top of cafeteria tables and give out speeches to the student body, we do not do voice out school issues at assemblies, only student parliament and the paper can become outlets. When a regular student needs to voice an opinion, what is better then for it to be read by everyone. To be read in  the Action Central. The publication of anonymous articles is an example.

Anonymous articles, especially those that target a single group of people, a platform of bullying as seen by the administration have become infamous in recent Central history. Targeting an entire generation, and a group of people recently last month. However, many new authors are growing past the stigma that voicing an opinion needs to be harsh and rough. With many articles produced recently by centrals students, which can be easily found by alternatives means (facebook), produced with great care and research, as you know have been censored.

However, these articles are not anonymous as you may think, the authors were willing to stand by their entitled opinion and produced a name for themselves, yet they were still taken away for being too provocative to the schools students. An article that positively states that concerns of the school, can be heard without fear (George Poppy). Another merely expressed a hard question, that hundreds of students have been asking, providing evidence and support about the issue of backpacks and the library (Justin Steinburg).

Partially, on the fault of both sides, conflict has been created



The world is changing
Every step you take,
Chaos opens underneath
You find fire, raging and blazing
All around you
Feeling the heat of hell itself,
You run, trying to find an exit
A door to escape the blaze
Breathing fresh air,
filling lungs with clean, crisp life,
Instead of the choking death

There is no door of salvation, however
The will to survive drives you
Desperately, searching for a solution
There's a fire hose, it's engulfed in flames,
The window, surrounded by flame,
Staircase, there is none
You are surrounded by burning hell,
No solution, no exit

Eyes are burning, white of your eyes red
Hair and face, lifeless as colour becomes mute,
painted over by a dirty veil of black
As if it were alive, swallowing you whole
Minute by minute, with no control

Finally you scream, but alas it is silent
As you are overwhelmingly
Surrounded, by death itself, snuffing
The life out of you, burning,
The life out of you, destroying
The life in you

You fall, but no one catches you
No one, not even a friend,
Who watches, cries, and falls with you.
If you fall, I fall, to the end

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Lonely Flower

This wound may never heal
Why are you still here? Go away,
I don't want to see your face
I want a cloud, to hide you,
Like it does to the sun
For darkness to cover the earth

I did everything for you,
What have you done for me?
I was your friend, I was there
When you were in dire need
For someone to listen,
for someone to respect

When you were but a seedling,
About to be crushed,
by a single storm
I clasped my hands around,
Sheltered you, from the rain
Watched you grow, laugh
Watched you cry, watched you go

I felt something, I didn't know what
I am confused, lost, what, I don't know
What am I doing? What am I feeling!

Years passed, I avoided talk
In fear of igniting that spark,
That flame... in my heart
I see you once again
It was inevitable, I should have been prepared
Why is it, I dart all around, when you
are to be found
No longer a seedling, you have grown
Into a flower, blooming, your appreciation
For yourself, long overdue
I felt, cheer and joy for you!
However as all things have come to pass,
You have moved on, and...
This wound will never heal

The Worst Feeling

To feel, the lights warmth stripped away
To see mist encroaching upon your home
To smell nothing, but the clean air
To taste, cold and sloppy food
To hear the same words, repeating what you know
This is what it's like to be all alone

Feeling nothing, no pain and no joy
Seeing everything, you cannot enjoy
Smelling, only a single undisturbed scent
Tasting, well your mouth is too dry
Hearing how to be happy, when you cannot be
This is what it's like to be all alone

Feeling the cool gentle breeze, to feel its pleasures
Seeing sunset glow, to see the rainbow
Smelling all around you, to smell the air after a cleansing rain
Tasting warmth and yummy food, to taste all you can!
Hearing words that you can share, hearing words that make you happy
This is what it's like, to feel like
You will never be alone


Grief is entrenched
Dug in if you will
Like the soldier digging into the earth,
Before bombs fell
Messy and dirty,
Destroying the earth

Grief can be everywhere
Like the cloudy days
That leaves the earth dark,
no matter how much the sun tries to push
it will always fail
Leaving humanity... forever in darkness
Especially when the light, never shines

You cannot get rid of it
As easily I once knew
It can only be hid, and fixed
patched up if you will
It will always be there,
in your heart
Like an infection, waiting
at your darkest hour...
To come out and destroy you once more

There is no remedy
Time is the key,
however there is no hope
for someone like me.

Who am I talking to

Who are you that tears me open
Who are you that rips inside
Who are you that kills me every night
Shrouded in darkness, far from the light
Why do you bring me joy?
Why do I feel a warmth from you?
Why do I still...

Why...oh why...
Must I die...
Every night, from a persistent lie
It is not you, it is I
Why do I bring harm to myself

Who are you, that brings me joy?
Who are you, that is my life?
You are, my the one I look forward too
Like a breaking dawn from the shroud
of night

Sometimes, I do not die
With you, I can abide
By my jealousies and foolishness aside
But... why oh why...
Do I still have to die?