Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My hope in Humanity

The most admiring feature in humanity.
It is not the wars we've fought,
The glory we have achieved,
The science discovered,
The technology created,
The places, and things we have seen.

It is something that can only be nurtured,
And grown, like the plants from the earth.
It is as rare in appearance as the most spectral shooting star,
In our very own night sky.
As hidden and common place, as the unique patterns,
Found on every snowflake.
Yet it is undermined and discarded as

With these properties how can anything,
Be so admirable when it's constantly killed.
Well that's the beauty of it.

When someone has the ability to stand against a giant,
Can move mountains, and
Fight dragons.
This is all easy,
What's hard is forgiving your enemies.
What's admirable is giving someone,
The proper respect that they deserve.
When they showed you none.

Can you tell your wicked witch,
Can you tell your slave master,
Can you tell the embodiment of your very own nightmares...
That for everything that they have done to you,
On their death bed,
Grant them Forgiveness?

To deny them, and most of all
The punishment you so dutifully would
Doll right out to them.
You instead absorb their crimes,
And grant them Forgiveness.

Few can do this, less have.
This is also what gives humanity hope.
Forgiveness of our sins and mistakes,
Try to look at your life and those of others,
Through heavens eyes.

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