Friday, January 27, 2012

Good luck guys and gals

When no one stands towards the monster.
A hero emerges!
Mighty, proud without folly and fail
To his human soul.

What he doesn't have...
is his heart.
He fights for the good of the people,
Against the ancient evil.
A magic from the well of stories past.

Well you know what happens,
These stories are about people.
Characters who have gone past,
Hardships, jumped over fences,
And climbed over their own mountains.
To find, a better side.
A realization of themselves.

Just like the stories that we were taught,
We find our own hardships.
Whatever it may be, know that
In the tales and legends, when all was thrown
Against them.
When their road was barred, they overcame;
And overcame they did for hope.

A better time, where they may finally have peace.

Good luck on exams guys :D

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