Sunday, January 1, 2012

Let go

Gravity pulls every part of me,
Away from this idea, that
I hang onto with hope,
All of my strength.
Clenched, with fierce determination
To hang on forever,
To this ledge of hope.

When I think of this hope,
I feel like a white light is shining around me.
A sort of holiness that I will get my wish,
Come true.
There is nothing better then that hope,
Nothing better.

Is it supposed to last?
My heart is addicted to that hope,
It beats for it, giving strength
To my hands.
So I will never let go.
But I feel like...
Someone's voice is whispering,

I ask, "What do I do?"
"Trust and faith", it answers back.
Trusting this strange voice,
Well that's absurd, why should I
Let go of this ledge, that brings me joy
To my world... and fall to the unknown?

That voice replies to me,
"Trust in me, have faith in me..."
I still resist, I harden my heart.
Then I start thinking,
My hopes burn around me,
I realized then... it was over from the start.

I panic, I whisper ",is it too late?"
The voice, reassuringly tells me.
That it's never too late,
It told me to trust it and let go,
Have faith that I won't fall into the unknown.

Then I realized the answer...
It was never a demand, but a question!
Realizing the answer, I let go,
To find peace at last.
After my long struggle with that ledge,
Of hope.

My heart, rests easy.

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