Saturday, January 21, 2012


Late Fall afternoon, I was walking home through the alley ways and ghettos of the city. People rarely come here, except for those that live here. Then again, the people that live here never want to come back.

The red bricked apartment buildings flank me left and right, leaving little room in between, just enough for the occasional dumpster and room in that dumpster for the homeless that dive into them. Other then that, the little space between these red buildings provide a safe haven away from the rubble of city life. It's like an escape within an urban jungle, where no one can find you. So deep into the garbage of the city, you would get lost if you didn't have a map.

A place, a walk down life all to yourself so that reflection upon your days events becomes a reality. Your rarely disturbed, as long as the gang members in the area are your friends of course.

Well they ought to be, or you might as well move out. Else you be harassed everyday for the rest of the pitiful life that landed you here. Pay the rent, and you'll be fine. However, they can't protect you from everything. Nor what was coming around the corner could be bought off with what little money I had in my non existent pockets.

Three dogs... all of them feasting on a god forsaken piece of trash, or rodent. Eating, with their own peace of mind, until I turned the corner destroying it. All of them. Stopped. Heads perked. Ears erect. Eyes, all I could do was stare at their eyes. They were great dark cesspools filled with no remorse, and they stared at my eyes.

It was like a mental connection. I knew at that point, I was the new prey and they were the hunters. Teeth, suddenly barred against their thin lips, with an addition of growls and barks coming from the three dogs. I don't know much about dogs, except that they can probably hold half of a small child in each of their stomachs. I did luckily knew that I wasn't going to win a fight, even against one of them. All probability says I would come out with a lost limb if it did happen. I ran.

A low lying wall just to my left, I deek for it and immediately climb over it with mere ease. The dogs barking,  leave finding a way around the wall, their sounds usher me toward civilization as fast as possible. Heading onward, to an unknown part of the ally, I run knowing that those dogs will be on me at any moment... until the way I found was blocked. Guarded by the most inconvenient fence in the entire world, I became trapped. It was a chain linked fence, but it was too high to be climbed without the dogs biting at my legs once I reached the top, thus pulling me down towards certain doom.

The dogs arrived, with blood in their eyes and froth in their mouths. I take my back pack, and toss it just right over their heads. This sends them all tripping, turning backwards to catch the not so distant object and kill it. Making use of my created time, I started climbing the fence. My foot, was barely able to grab hold of the spaces within the fence, and my fingers were being strained to the point of snapping like an elastic. Holding all of my weight, inappropriately on ten small appendages is a problem; however with great tolerance to this pain I climb to the top, hung over, and drop on the other side of the fence with a great sharp pain into my feet. 

However, a very welcomed pain as the dogs were now at the fence yapping their way at me. Knowing that their pray has escaped to live another day. I, just too happy to be alive walked over to the nearest general store and dumped all of my money on a stun gun and some mace. Time to get my backpack.

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